Some tips for a lasting car paint job

When he is not too preoccupied with his business, Eugene Bernshtam makes it a point to maintain his car collection. He is also an expert in car restoration, and in this blog, he wishes to give some advice on how to give cars a lasting paint job.

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Don’t skip on the bodywork.

When you get a project car that you intend to restore, you need to know all the issues on its exterior shell. Often, when you acquire your unit, issues on the body are covered up by its existing paint. There are even some cars out there which have ridiculously rusted out panels, that have been covered with fiberglass, just to achieve an intact look. Eugene Bernshtam emphasizes that if you want to repaint it properly, you should not skip on the bodywork.

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Use sandblasting and rustproofing.

A lot of car restorers get all excited when they scrape off the old paint to give way to the new. However, even this stage of repainting needs to be done with precision. While ordinary scraping methods can remove most of the old paint, serious car restorers always aim for sand blasting. This ensures that all creases and corners that are hard to reach reveal a bare-metal surface. Also, this should prepare the shell for some necessary electric rustproofing that prevents rust for many years.

Get some good exterior coating.

If you ask any car painter, the easiest part of the job is the actual spraying of the paint. However, after your color of choice is already applied, you still need to provide it with exterior coating. The first part of this job requires you to apply a layer or two of clear coat, which also helps you achieve that unique shimmer. After a week or so of letting the paint set properly, you need to give it a good buffing. Another week later, you can choose to apply some ceramic coating, to add a couple more years to your paint’s lifespan.

Eugene Bernshtam is involved in vehicle restoration also among the Illinois Secretary of State's licensed auto dealers. An avid car collector himself, he holds membership in both the Ferrari Club of America (FCA) and the Lamborghini Club of America. For more about car maintenace, visit this page.


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