Leading effectively in the time of crisis
COVID-19 is a global crisis unlike any other. The pandemic has forced people to stay in their homes, causing the reluctant migration of systems to the cloud. For some industries, the telecommuting setup is nothing new. But for others, it’s something that has cost them their job.
There is no single way to lead in this time of crisis. All leaders are faced with different challenges. Their employees come to them for problems they have never encountered before. In order to still lead a team successfully, one must first try to take a breath. Employees are looking for leaders who are calm and stable in the time of trouble, shares Eugene Bernshtam.
Along with a sense of sense, a leader must also display confidence. Showing employees, clients, and other stakeholders that seeing through this hurdle is possible gives them hope and confidence in one’s leadership. For example, teleconferencing is not foreign terrain for most companies. And since it’s the only way to communicate with one another, see to it that every meeting is clear and strategic. A leader cannot handle every problem that is presented to them. Call on colleagues and subordinates to collaborate, form tasks forces, and sub-task forces. Doing this also helps a leader identify employees with leadership abilities.
Community-wise, make it a point to display behavior and character that support the work staff while upholding company culture. While it may be business as usual for some companies, make sure to show compassion to employees. Be genuinely concerned about the team and their wellbeing, advises Eugene Bernshtam.
A commercial real estate developer, Eugene Bernshtam heads Avalon Holdings, LLC and its affiliated entities. For more reads from Mr. Bernshtam, head over to this page.
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